Bryan Tuk Appears on Building The Future

You can view Bryan’s recent appearance on Kevin Horek’s web series, Building the Future by clicking on the image below. This was a wide ranging conversation on the state of the legal practice, copyright and trademark law, startup issues and Bryan’s recent book: risk, create, change: a survival guide for startups & creators.

Building the Future also airs on terrestrial radio in Silicon Valley, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Virginia, Washington, D.C., Detroit, Philadelphia, New York, Kentucky, New Mexico, Minnesota, Colorado, North Carolina, San Diego, San Antonio, Australia, United Kingdom, and the Caribbean.

A Reality Check for Content Creators With YouTube Channels

It's no secret that YouTube has effectively replaced television and the radio in terms of the distribution of content.  For my clients who have YouTube Channels, and use that revenue as part of their business strategy, there is a recent study from Offenberg University in Germany that holds that the average YouTube channel owner can't generate enough cash to crack the poverty line in the United States.

The language of the write up in Bloomberg I've linked to is bleak, but it is a bit overly glum in my opinion. 

While YouTube's payment rates are a bit opaque, to be kind, my advice to budding entrepreneurs and creators out there is that revenue from a YouTube channel should be part of your strategy, but not your entire strategy.  Every stable business is stable because it has multiple revenue streams, and that concept certainly applies in the new economy. 


A New Video Series: Tuk's Rules

Communication is so vastly different today than it was even 5 years ago.  In an effort to stay ahead of the curve and communicate effectively to the business leaders of today, TLO presents a periodic video series entitled Tuk's Rules, on the TLO YouTube Channel, which you can find right here. 

The videos are also hosted on the TLO Video page. 

Better yet, watch the most recent episode below for yourself right here....

When in Doubt, Don't Tweet It Out: Defamation & Social Media

The ability to publish your opinions to the entire world instantly is a powerful thing.  It can be very liberating, but can pose significant legal risks at the same time - especially when you are giving an opinion about specific person or business.  It has never been easier to defame someone, which could lead to significant legal liability for social media users who aren't responsible. 

Be sure to check out the most recent edition of Network Magazine, where my article entitled When in Doubt, Don't Tweet It Out is featured. 
